Greg has been featured on the Swamp a few times now, and I've even done a little story on him for the Soggybones website at one point... but the homie just keeps coming with more and more. This video part is semi-new to the public, but has been around for a few months. Greg has stacked clips far since then. But, nonetheless... this part rips! And I dig the intro... if you know Greg at all you know exactly where he's coming from when he speaks what he speaks, and it's all real.
Cheers to Greg! This definitely won't be the last you see of him.
Everybody be sure to check out Stuart Kleinsmith's Interview on the Soggybones Magazine website. It's an entertaining interview, and Stuart kills it so be sure to check it out! Hopefully, (but probably not), I'll post my own makeshift version of the interview, but until then... just lurk the Soggybones website. And spread the word on Soggybones to everyone you know!
Monday, May 17, 2010
"If you stick it, I'll buy you two dollars."
Haha, this is another clip my little buddy Angel sent me. These kids skate all the loc'd out spots in our neighborhood so I love posting their shit! Watch out for them too... homies get down.
Here's a clip of my little homie Angel Chavez filming the other homie Noah Lora. These two were putting in mad hours at the Markos Park, and for the past 2 years I've always seen Angel shredding around the neighborhood so the future is definitely looking bright for them. I'm so hyped when kids are just out there killing it and motivated...
Check that three-flip at the end... shits fire!
Good looks Angel, and if anyone has good shit send it my way!