Thursday, December 3, 2009

Update 12.3

"I got 99 bitches--and no problems"

(Photo: Crisjon)
I got Alex "Gerbz" Pedroza stopping by the swamp today to get a few questions out of him, and to see a few photos he's been out getting, as well as a few he already has in mind. Gerbz is next in line after Waylon for the interviews, and it should be unique and Pedroza-like. If you haven't already seen it--the Pedroza Interview (Drunk Version) is up and posted from about a week ago--It's very sarcastic, and supposed to be "humerous." Check it out.

(Photo: Stewart)
Also, I'm just waiting on one more picture from Waylon (Hendricks) for his interview. I have all the questions and responses sitting in my inbox, along with the rest of his photos, so I know I've said it the last like 3 days, but it should be up by tonight, or the latest tomorrow.

For the future: I have a few dudes in mind right now that I'll be contacting pretty soon about getting a few new Interviews up. I'm thinking I'm going to try and get one done once a week, but don't quote me on that. I also have a few shop owners in mind, some photographers, filmers, as well as some employees at a few companies that I'll be hooking up with to get some interviews just to sort of get the inside scoop on the industry--and for entertainment nonetheless.

So all i can really say is just keep checking back, and I still can't say it enough--Thank You to anyone who is reading this, supporting it, or talking about it. I hope it's not some boring bullshit, and I still promise I'll get a steady flow going soon.

Keep Lurking! ADIOS


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