Tuesday, December 15, 2009


Stephen Lawyer is my favorite skater--hands down. This kid is the business dude, seriously. His bag of tricks is overflowing with goods, his style is so peaceful, and full of ease, and his sarcasm and quick humor will constantly keep you laughing man, you just have to--theres no beating it. Seriously, since the first time I skated/met Stephen, he was definitely unique. His board control and his skill were just impossible to look past, and it seriously blows my mind how good he is, and how he progresses every-fucking-day. Oh and did I mention he's only 17...

This is a very "cheap" interview on my behalf, I literally just sent Stephen some questions of Facebook and told him to answer them. This is in no way the official Stephen Lawyer interview, I'll be hooking up with him in the future to get some real shit going, but as of now this is what you get--and believe me, be thankful. Sorry no photos.

Also below is Stephens "Roger of the Month" footy which is full of bangers and gang related violence holmes.

Dude, just take it from me, this kid is it man. Mr. I-T.

Anyways... catch a comfy spot, get the goods, get the papers, the light and you know what to do mang.

Ahem, Stephen Lawyer:

December 15 at 12:52pm

BB) What you doing right now?
SL) Currently answering some questions for bb's dope ass blogg whaaaaaa

BB) Favorite cereal?
SL) Favorite cereal gotta be waffle crissp

BB) Favorite kind of doritos?
SL) Gotta keep it real with the original nacho cheese

BB) Favorite trick?
SL) Nollie flips

BB) Who's hooking you up?
SL) Expedition 1, adidas, and utility smokeshop

BB) Favorite emuns quote?
SL) Theres way too many to even have one but one that gets me everytime has to be “EVERRYONEEE WATCCHH!”

BB) Who you been filming with lately?
SL) Lately just filming with my buddy ryan from clairemont and ofcourse Emunz's fayygetasss

BB) What's going on in the future?
SL) Hopefully what im doin right now

BB) Sup with wu tang?
SL) awwwman rza gza inspectah deck u-god raekwon the "chef" ol dirty masta killa ghostface and the methh.

BB) Where you liven/where you from?
SL) From pasadena,ca currently livin in lovely Encinitas

BB) Favorite place to kickit in enci?
SL) Favorite place in enci has to be the basketball court by my house perfect flatground.

BB) Years skating?
SL)Ive probably been skating for 6 or 7 years

BB) Usual warm up spot?
SL) I somehow always end up warming up at cv park

BB) When your off your board what are you doing?
SL) When im not skatin im basically just rollin doobs with the homies

BB) SHOUT outs?
SL) Big ups to everyone who hooks me up, all my friends of course, Robertos taco shop, BIg beebuhzz for letting me do this, Wu tang clan, del the funky homosapien, reggae music, and Skateboarding.
Peace and chicken greese.

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