Monday, November 23, 2009

Update 11.23

So it's Monday. As of right now, I'm waiting for Bobby J. to send me back his responses to his interview, so I'm saying at least by Noon today it will be up, with a few new pictures, and HOPEFULLY a trailer to his new film, but I'm not making any promises with that one.

Also, 2 more sundays from now, I'll have a short and sweet interview with Vicente Rosales about his new Skate Video coming out featuring many of North County's finest shredders, a few pictures and words to follow up on that one though...

Anyways, I'm still tired, I'm on my 4th cup of coffee, and I'm leanin towards another.

Does anyone even read this shit yet? Probably not.


- b swampass


  1. im readin!! i got some photos of waylon if you need em for his interview

  2. word dude! damn im a few days late on responding to this, I'm still kind of figuring out how to use this thing so my bad on that.

    Who is it running the mhc page? Im super down though, if theres anyway you can like email them or over myspace, or facebook or some shit that'd be fucking rad! i wanna have his stuff up pretty soon so that'd be ripping!

    thanks a lot! and thanks for reading, your shit is fucking rad too im always lerkin haha
