Friday, January 22, 2010

Eric Bennett's Fortunate Misfortunes.

One of my favorite things about watching old skate videos from the 80's and 90’s is how raw the filming was back then. It was strictly dudes cruising out, filming lines with no fisheye, barging every curb, bank, and obstacle they saw. It was just the homies… they didn’t even care if they ended up with the clip afterwards… that wasn’t what granted them the satisfaction… the simple fact of just going out and destroying shit on their skateboards was the most satisfying feeling one could get—film or no film.

These days, obviously, it’s different. The skateboarding world, along with the culture surrounding it, is linked together by film and photos. Also, unlike the raw days, these days the clips do matter—quite frankly, the clips are everything. Your footy tape is what gets you sponsored, and your sponsors promote your footage to market their products. It’s a universal cycle, and it all has to do with filming and photography as much as it does skateboarding.

By saying this, I’m trying to get to the point that the filmer is part of making the whole day complete. I mean, you head out… you got the posse, the spots, the filmer, the photographer, the cooler… (laughing) Well not always that last one, but you get my point. But like I said—the filmer, he’s always there. You need to have a good relationship with the dude your filming with too, because if the chemistry isn’t there, it can become quite an irritating and stressful situation.

Eric Bennett’s name will definitely be known one day in the skateboarding film industry. Though it’s not about the fame, and usually filmers remain pretty low-key and behind the camera… Eric’s talent is incredible and he has his filming down to a science, man. The way he brings out his camera, uses his little white piece of cloth to white balance… the way he shoves that huge death lens in your face to get it in focus… it’s all a science, and he has it so mastered.

(Eric handles too, 5-0 slasher)
He uses the zoom exceedingly proper, and he knows just where to stand to make an angle turn from bogus and dull, to unbelievably perfect.

I’ve filmed with Eric more than I’ve filmed with anyone besides maybe Bobby (Johnson) but all the same, I’ve put in time with Eric. I only say this because he is a filmer I’ve seen first hand, and I stay super up to date with his work whether it be lurking his MySpace, or YouTube account, or simply heading out with him to go and skate.

Above all, Eric is a sick dude to skate with, and he’s fucking hilarious. Like, I don’t even know how I’d begin to explain his humor, but there is never a dull moment when Emuns is around, and I don’t care what anyone says… it never gets old. I’ve gone on a few trips with him, and spent a lot of time with him, and I’ve grown quite fond of the dude. I’m glad to shoot this interview out with him, and I hope you all enjoy the new trailer at the bottom of this interview, Eric's past trailers/montages, all the photos and simply the ripping words of Eric Bennett.

BB) First off Emuns, give me your name, age, and where your living?
EB) Eric Bennett, 19 years old, living in Veeestaaa,CA (Vista, CA)

BB) Where were you born?
EB) I was born in Vista and I haven't left since.

BB) What do you think about this Storm that has hit North County and it's surroundings? Straight skater-hater huh?
EB) I'm not hating on it too much. Shit is gnarly though. But the way I feel, if it's gonna rain, it better just fuckin’ straight let loose and rain cats and dogs. I hate it when it just sprinkles and gets everything wet. I heard there was a tornado and shit in OC… Heavy.

BB) What have you been doing to stay sane?
EB) I've been working every day this week anyways so its all good. Got to skate Black Box for a minute too the other day so its straight.

BB) Well when we're not rained out--where can we usually find Emuns skating?
EB) I was skating Oside park for a minute but I haven't really been going for a while. I've been skating PQ a lot lately and then skating some spots in RB. RB has mad buttery low-key spots.

(Check the new trailer for this one)
BB) How long have you been involved in the skateboarding world?
EB) I don't even know. I've always been down for skating. I remember when I first got my board. I found it or some shit then my mom bought me a "real" one. Some bullshit from Play-It-Again in O-side. I think I was like 11 back then. I didn't really get into it like trying tricks and skating my flat bar and shit till like 8th grade though.

BB) Ok, so what type of camera do you use, and how long have you been filming?
EB) VX1000 for life. Fuck all that high def shit it's ruining skating. Skating is supposed to be raw. VX1 is retardedly buttery but still raw as shit. Got my camera for Christmas when I was.... 14? Complete surprise from my dad, I didn't expect it at all or anything. Just told him I wanted a VX1 someday. Wow I was sooo psyched!

BB) What sparked your interest in filming in the first place?
EB) It was when I first met my homie Mike (Bricke) and I started skating spots with him and stuff and he had this daddy cam we would film with. I just used it a lot and I was like damn it would be sick to have a legit camera. So then I got my VX1 couple years later and it went on from there.

(Eric's also an artist, all the artwork you see is his)
BB) Do you film anything besides skateboarding?
EB) Hell no, filmed a dope porno once. (laughing) just playing. Sometimes I just film random shit, people walking around doin their normal day-to-day shit. That shits super interesting to me, just how many people there are around me all with different shit going on and different priorities. Shits crazy.

BB) Why skateboard filming, above cinema style filming, or like filming for a TV show?
EB) Because I like to skate too so it like all goes together. Go to a spot, skate it, film some homies… homies film me. When I can't skate anymore I'll probably try to get into filming movies and shit. I love movies and all that, my brother and I want to start our own company someday and he would do a lot of the directing and storyline and I would be in charge of all the filming and shit.

BB) An aspiring Tarantino (laughing)… where are some of your favorite places you've been because of skateboarding?
EB) I really haven't been to that many places. I was supposed to go to Germany last summer and Spain in the winter with this company but it didn't work out or some shit. I thought SF was super cool and AZ is tight. Try to go there once a year or so. Utah is really sick for skating too but I've been going there for a long time because both my bro's live there and I go up and chill with them every once in a while.

BB) Who are a few dudes you film with pretty often?
EB) Um, a usual day I'll go out with like Wes (Beucler), BC, and Brendan (Keaveny). Basically everyone in the video… but those are the people I see almost every day.

BB) Have any of your clips been released in any "big named" videos?
EB) I don't even know. I've given shit to companies to be used but I don't remember if it was used or not, I don't really care about that shit.

BB) Glad to hear it. So what's up with WOM? (Wheels Of Misfortune) ?
EB) It's just a homie video I’m doing for fun. By the homies--for the homies. I've just always wanted to make a video… we've been taking a long time on it cause I want to be hyped on it.

("Leaf me alone" - Eric Bennett artwork)
BB) Who's in the video?
EB) Me, Brendan (Keaveny), Wes (Beucler), Stephen (Lawyer), BC, and Anthony (Robles) are all having full parts. A couple other guests are gonna share a part and then of course all the other homies are gonna be in it.

BB) When do you expect it to come out?
EB) Dropping this year. Summer?

BB) How has filming for this video been?
EB) It's been hard lately cause of mine and everyone elses schedules. When we started we were just kids in high school, now we're all manned out with jobs and responsibilites and shit. It's going aright though.

BB) Who's part are you most excited about?
EB) I don't even know. Everyone in it is soo sick. Definitely not my part. (laughing)

BB) Tell me a little about the last trip you guys made to Arizona? Was it pretty successful?
EB) If you mean successful as in having a lot of fun and skating a lot-- ya. But we didn't get much footage. Aj (Zavala) brought his handycam and made a dope montage but it was too long for YouTube and shit so it’s just lost (Laughing).

BB) So what are your opinions on the transition from VX1's and such to all this HD we see so often these days?
EB) HD + skating just doesn’t equal out. HD is for movies and bullshit to make actors look good and so you can put in special effects and all that shit. HD is pointless for skating. Long-lense looks all slow and stupid, and when you film with a fisheye on it you can't even get close and shit so it just looks steeeewwwpzzzz. None of the footage I see ever looks right.

BB) Why do you prefer the VX? I mean, those butter colors are almost enough in themselves but why else?
EB) Again it's just raw and to me it just looks like how skating is supposed to be filmed. It's just perfect all around.

BB) Do you have any influences in filming?
EB) I used to but not anymore. I don't really like the way skate videos are filmed now. I like the Zero videos because its mostly VX1 and shit but I'm not too down with most of the actual filming. My homie Cory (Cabrera) is an influence to me I guess, he taught me a lot of what I know and a lot about dealing with companies and shit.

(Wow, the butter is dripping off this one)
BB) Right on… Have you ever thought to yourself you could maybe make a career out of this?
EB) Ya I figured I could do something like that cause by the time I was like 17 I was already getting paid here and there. It's just all about who you know. Right know I'm just still having fun with it but thats where I'm aimed at for the future.

BB) When you're out getting footage for yourself, who is usually filming YOU?
EB) I don’t know, whoever is there I guess. I've been trying to skate with my homies Mike (Bricke) and Clint (Wall) to finish up my part cause they both know what’s up and they’re down to skate.

BB) What are your plans for the future, in general, in skateboarding, filming, et cetera?
EB) No clue just taking it as it comes trying not to stress out and just have fun. I have some shit lined up with a couple companies but none of its for sure yet so I don't want to get into it.

BB) Ever plan to go to school?
EB) Fuck. I've been wanting to enroll lately but I never did and now it's too late to sign up for spring semester at Palomar. I want to at least go for a semester, learn some cool editing and shit, hit on some honeys… you know.

BB) (Laughing) Do it man, we’ll merk that campus… Shout Outs buddy?
EB) Um… anyone who has helped me and shit. All the people I've practiced on filming with to get to where I'm at. ALL THE HOMIES, Albertacos, orange juice, and Teri Cafe. Im super down for what you're doing with Swamp Ass too fool, shit is tight--keep it up.

BB) Thanks duder, anything you'd like to add that I missed...
EB) Nah not really.

BB) Thanks Eric, maybe one day I'll head out and film a clip again. Regardless--let's go skate!

I'll leave you guys with Eric's new trailer for: Wheels Of Misfortune
Eric says it should be hitting the street by Summer of this year... be on the major lerk-out!
Also check out Eric's YouTube account: Emoney666

Interview By: Brian Blakely
Photos By: Dchu (the barrier slash was shot by Crisjon)
Artwork By: Eric Bennett

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