Wednesday, December 23, 2009

ALEX "greaser" ZARATE

Drawing is one thing I am easily willing to admit I just cannot do. I am an awful artist, and I'm convinced it just simply isn't for everyone. Because of this... I'm intrigued by anyone who has conquered that part of the brain that lets you draw. I mean... I guess anyone can "draw," but to be good at it, and in the world of tattooing, to actually brand these people permanently with ink, is a bit risky, and you HAVE to be confident and talented. Period. And lucky for me, Alex "Greaser" Zarate is both of these--Confident and talented.

(Kyle Brogan, Yoey, Myself, and Alex)
You know, I always forget, but the only tattoo I have, (a maple leaf on the back of my leg I got when i was 17) was done by Alex. This was the first time I saw the process of tattooing happen, and it truly is an art form in itself. The gun, the ink, getting the paper printed on you so they can trace the picture... it's all a process, and everyone tattoo artist handles it differently.
In this case, Alex's approach was handled with two 32's of King Cobra, and laying face-down on his bed while he dragged that needle in my leg.
Anyways, I'm rambling. This story is DEFINITELY not about me. This story is about the not so austere life of Greaser Alex. Alex grew up in skateboarding, he knows the world, and he's made a story of his own within the world. Art is a huge part of skateboarding... Art is simply a huge part of EVERYTHING, meaning we need Artist's--talented ones at that.
Alex couch-surfs the waves of life. He wanders, and moves around a lot, and believe me man... he's seen a lot. Behind all his tattoos, and "tuff" Greaser look (laughing), Alex really is a nice dude, who's down for his family, and down for his homies to the fullest extent... and I love the dude for it.

I've known Alex for a long time now--he's an interesting guy, a funny guy, and a true believer in having fun. I respect him for everything he's accomplished so far, and everything that's coming. Homie kills it man! He lets the art do the talking for him the majority of the time--and its loud man, loud.

Well geez, there I went again... a few too many words over my limit but whatever! Enjoy this, Alex is rad.

BB) GREASER man! Dude, what's going on, sorry about the lag on this! What's been going on lately dude?
AZ) Nahh.. its all good man, dont trip! I’ve just been working on some art these past few weeks..

AZ) Ummm.. back in high school one of the homie's started calling me it, and well it just stuck from there really..

BB) First of all—give me the basics. How old are you? Where are you from, and where you living at right now holmes?
AZ) I am 25 and I grew up in Vista, Ca... right now I’m staying on the homies couch (Nate Roemer) in Carlsbad.

BB) How you liking the lovely city of Carlsbad?
AZ) Ahh man its awesome! It’s close to everything!!

BB) Give me the name of the best spot to drink out there?
AZ) Shit… Carlsbad aint got nada!!

BB) Now give me the name of your favorite bar in general?
AZ) Fucckk… hands down--Kenos in Encinitas, the krews always there and its always a good time!!

BB) What sparked your interest in Art in the first place?
AZ) A lot of my homies do some type of art… since I started when I was a kid, I basically just kept at it to keep me out of trouble!!

BB) How old were you when you got your first tattoo; what was it?
AZ) I was 17 it was my little girls name across my upper back!!

BB) Growing up where you did, did this influence your style of art at all?
AZ) Well kind of… I was always around the Chicano life style and it really influenced my style in a bunch of different ways really…

BB) When did you start to think tattooing would be something you'd like to continue doing?
AZ) Umm… after I did my first one on myself I was fuckin’ hooked!!

BB) Are you working at any shops right now?
AZ) Naw.. Right now I’m just guest spotting at homies houses and putting it down like that...

BB) What shops have you worked at in the past?
AZ) I worked at SF tattoo in Frisco when I was living up there, and I’ve worked at Fallbrook Tattoo. I’ve guest spotted at Lil C's and that’s really it for now..

BB) Do you think it’s easier to just do work off the top of your head, or do you like to somewhat ‘trace’ the printed picture on someone?
AZ) I think it’s easier really, I like doing things off the top of my head rather then off a picture of someone else’s work…

BB) Who did you grow up skating with/what years were you shredding?
AZ) Well once a skater--always a skater, I grew up skating with the vista rats… and also like Nate (Roemer) Peter (watkins),
Alex (Trainwreck) Gall the list goes on man…

BB) Now these days it’s common to see dudes we all know in the mags, but was it weird seeing your homies in magazines and stuff back in the day?
AZ) Yeah to an extent… but at the same time I was hyped for them for sure!!

BB) Who are a couple names in the shred-world that you have done work for?
AZ) Nate Roemer, Tyler Adams Hawkins, Sascha Daley... I got the homie Trainwreck coming in to get shit done soon too.

BB) You still got that motorcyle?
AZ) I’ve gone threw a few this year so right now I’m just working on one…

BB) What's your favorite style of tattooing?
AZ) I like Japanese style a lot but if I gotta pick one I’d have to say traditional..

BB) Are there any "posers" and "fakes" in the tattoo world?
AZ) Yeah but I’ll keep that to myself… there’s a few you and I know personally (Laughing)

(Working on Sascha Daley)
BB) You wander quite a bit, this is not a bad thing though, do you feel like your a pretty independent dude when it comes to approaching this world?
AZ) Fuck yah I do, I got my head on better then I did a few years ago… plus its better staying under the radar..

BB) You have any superstitions?
AZ) Nah not really...karmas karma!!

BB) When your not doing art, or tattooing people--what are you doing in your spare time?
AZ) Hanging with homies and my family...

AZ) YOU for doing this interview, the whole crew of homies for helping me out when I needed them the most, M4L..Por Vida…

BB) Words-of-wisdom?
AZ) Just let things be and go with the flow!!!

BB) Anything you'd like to add--that I left out?
AZ) Ummm...Nah I’m good, your on it holmes!!

BB) I wish I was drinking a cold one with you right now man--Cheers and thanks for the time man! Your hookin' me up soon son!
AZ) For sure, this cold ones for you!!!

BB) Adios Alex, thanks again.

(More pictures will be posted as time goes on, this is just a SMALL handful of Alex's work that I picked out, keep checking in for more photos and shit)

Interview By: Brian Blakely

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